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HFC 227ea FM 200 Fire Suppression System

FM200 is a popular gas for server room fire suppression systems because of its reduced volume making it each to store within the room space. This system has an ozone depletion potential rating of zero and is an excellent choice for server room and data centre environments. FM-200®, a trusted choice in waterless fire suppression, is…

Novec 1230 Suppression System

Novec is an excellent choice for those clients who prefer a greener alternative to FM200. Like FM200, Novec 1230 gas benefits from a reduced volume making it easy to store within the server room space. This system has an ozone depletion potential rating of zero and will break down in the atmosphere in only five days…

IG55 Prolnert Fire Suppression Systems

ProInert® is manufactured by Fike, provides clients with an excellent cost effective and environmentally friendly inert gas fire extinguishing system. Fike’s ProInert offers all the benefits of other inert gas systems with several significant design improvements and enhancements which improve performance. ProInert is also the most environmentally friendly gaseous fire extinguishant on the market. The inert…

VESDA® by Xtralis Systems

Workspace Technology also provides VESDA® by Xtralis systems for enhanced data centre protection through the use of laser sampling technology. VESDA® by Xtralis are also known as Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) alarms support alarm sensitivity range which means that it detects fire as the earliest possible stage and reliably measures very low to extremely high concentrations…