Data Centre Air-Conditioning Replacement Services
Is Your Data Centre at Risk Due to Ageing Air-conditioning Equipment?
Cooling is essential to the operation of any data centre or mission critical facility failing to plan for the replacement of end of life air-conditioning equipment is certain to result in an unplanned failure impacting associated I.T services.
Rather than wait until a catastrophic event occurs data centre operators should consider a planned air-conditioning equipment replacement programme.
Advantages of Planned End of life Air Conditioning Replacement
The advantages of planned air conditioning replacement strategy include:
- Avoidance of Unplanned Data Centre Outages
- Planned risk-free installation allowing I.T services to continue operation throughout upgrade works.
- Client will benefit from energy savings which will typically provide an investment “payback” if new cooling equipment installed and configured correctly.
Avoid Engaging Inexperienced Mechanical Contractors
We recommend that data centre operators should avoid engaging general mechanical contractors with limited data centre knowledge as more often than not this will result in a “Like for Like” replacement. Whilst this approach in limited circumstances may be valid it generally fails to address key issues such as right sizing, airflow efficiency and optimised system operation and can lead to newly installed air conditioning to perform poorly and in some extreme circumstances fail to work all together.
Six Reasons For Choosing Workspace Technology
Workspace Technology specialises in the upgrade of live data centre air-conditioning systems reducing risk and improving energy efficiency. Six reasons to choose Workspace Technology include:
1 Data Centre Expertise & In-house Design Capability:
Workspace Technology specialises in data centre infrastructure, in particular we offer clients with a wide range of data centre centric cooling solutions.
2 Exploring “Best Practice” Design Options
Workspace Technology’s team will carefully access your existing air conditioning arrangements and seek to understand current and planned I.T deployments to offer designs that address historical issues whilst supporting planned and future I.T deployments. The implementation of “Best Practice” design will reduce payback periods by improving cooling effectiveness and reducing energy consumption.
3 Cooling “Optimisation” Services
Workspace Technology’s “Optimisation Services” address imbalances by fine tuning system control strategy, settings and configuration arrangements with the aim of achieving optimum energy performance. Resulting energy saving can range from 5% to 30% when compared to a poorly setup installation.
Optimisation Services will help clients benefit from material operational savings.
4 FlaktGroup Close Control Integration Partner
Workspace Technology is a leading integrator for FläktGroup’s close control data centre perimeter cooling technology. Our understanding and experience of FläktGroup’s flagship Ultra-Denco and Multi-Denco product range is extensive with an installed base of many hundreds of units deployed over the past 16 years.
5 Proven Live Data Centre Experience
Workspace Technology has extensive experience of upgrading and replacing cooling systems within live data centre environments. Our installation team reduce risk within live data centre environments by following a range of practices including:
- Data Centre Live Working Awareness Procedures
- Careful Planning & Sequencing of Works
- Pre-testing & Temperature Monitoring Throughout the Installation.
6 Ongoing Support & Service
Workspace Technology can offer ongoing Maintenance & Support Service delivering a comprehensive range of expert on-site planned preventative maintenance, 24x365 emergency call-out, energy optimisation and enhanced support services for all replacement AC equipment as well as other key infrastructure items such as UPS, Fire suppression, and Generators.
Learn More about our data centre cooling upgrade services.